The Picture, the Story and the Stats


This is where we will develop the characters of the Ronin and of the Castle.

Backstory should not only add romantic ambiance, but gameplay potential as well.


The picture, story and stats always display the details of the currently selected ronin or castle.*

There is always a ronin selected on the Ronin page,

and a castle selected on the Map page.


EXCEPT: When you first enter each of these pages,

or when you press the Help button.

In thses cases these two windows have special default contents

which explain the meaning and the use of the Screen.



Would like to alternate the Picture, Story and Stats in the Map screen

between the PS&S of the castle itself

and those of the player who owns it.

Like a picture of a goofy kid with glasses looking serious in his martial arts uniform

and calling himself Lord Keith of Rochester

(in the case where the castle is owned by a real player)

and a cool quasi-historic Japanese Daimyo

(when it is not conquered by a human).

A very significant piece of information is

not only who owns it, but whether he is personally defending it

or has simply left in charge of his AI retainers.

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