We propose a simplified interface to the avionics unit:   Rather than establish a series of waypoints for the avionics unit to follow, we would prefer a 'guide-point' interface. (Like the carrot dangling from a pole with which cartoon hillbillies steer their mules.)

We establish for the avionics a single point along the path and it moves the craft toward it. 
Before the plane gets there, we refine the point and push it further down the path toward an actual waypoint (to which the avionics is never directly exposed)

The guidepoint would be updated very frequently in critical flight conditions (tight formation, tough flight path, tricky terrain, bad weather, hostile forces) . Perhaps every few seconds.
In other cases the Guidepoint might be an hour ahead of us. 

 We KNOW that the path will change somewhat as we attempt to fly the mission. Maintaining a long list of obsolescing waypoints for the Hynes becomes error-inducing, bandwidth-eating work with no payoff.   

No Penalty  
The piloting that the avionics will perform to fly toward a point does not use look-ahead, it seems. Therefor the flight should be the same for a single point as the list